Thursday, January 20, 2011

second chance macaron

I have been dying to try making macarons since the opening of Lindt Cafe in chadstone plus the phenomenal masterchef dessert challenge by Adrianno Zumbo. I once tried months ago but it was a complete flap... i even bought the book bu alicia thompson whose an expert on Macarons french style

anyways i never back down on anything i am into... bought the right equipment including scales sifted the almond meal and icing sugar twice, glad we have a dehumidifier in my bedroom where i have to set for 2 hours before baking..The macaron shells need to set first until the mixure dont stick to your finger before baking. it needs a dry not humid no hot temperature to set...
then i tried in between laundry and folding and watching the circle, glad i have the holidays or else i cant do this when lesson plans, exams and counselling starts and i reckon i am going to have a busy 2011....
when is now set then baked for ten minutes until the base is formed. shells should be soft inside but smooth and crackly outside but not burned or browned color. i used yellow food color byvthe way for my passion fruit curd creme filling. and yes unlike before it was fla so it was flap i saw the base!!!!!!!!! perfect, although is not that smooth maybe i havent sifted the flour and icing sugar properly bu i was better than it was previously, VOila, im proud of what i have achieved for today....

Sunday, January 16, 2011

summer itch

as much as sun is amazing and heat is much awaited to australians as they can show off their skins, i dread the thought of heat and humidity...Lightness and the scent of summer blossoms excites my senses but it also is the breeding ground for insects that finds my skin and blood type appealing. as if they are vampires in the light sucking out fresh blood and lives its victim in pain in the form of itch and red spots and even with much hydrocortisone,oral antihisamines, antiseptic and relieving gels, it leaves a mark. I hate it. I have experienced severe insecurity as i was growing up in the Philippines, as no matter how our dwelling place's cleanliness is maintained, i still suffer... Caladryl and sebo de macho are my best friends and long pants and skirts.It has been years that i havent experienced the itch, but today sadly i have to endure again. luckily i am not alone, many australians have the same sensitive skin as i have but they never experience ridicules and torments from others.... For them its just the summer itch from summer insects (fleas, flies, gigantoc mozzies, mites).But for a filipina like me, i hate the itch... The hotter the temperetaure the itchier it gets...Thank God for Bio Oil and swimming pools...