anyways i never back down on anything i am into... bought the right equipment including scales sifted the almond meal and icing sugar twice, glad we have a dehumidifier in my bedroom where i have to set for 2 hours before baking..The macaron shells need to set first until the mixure dont stick to your finger before baking. it needs a dry not humid no hot temperature to set...
then i tried in between laundry and folding and watching the circle, glad i have the holidays or else i cant do this when lesson plans, exams and counselling starts and i reckon i am going to have a busy 2011....
when is now set then baked for ten minutes until the base is formed. shells should be soft inside but smooth and crackly outside but not burned or browned color. i used yellow food color byvthe way for my passion fruit curd creme filling. and yes unlike before it was fla so it was flap i saw the base!!!!!!!!! perfect, although is not that smooth maybe i havent sifted the flour and icing sugar properly bu i was better than it was previously, VOila, im proud of what i have achieved for today....